Heading Home Basket
Our Classroom collected many items to fill a donation basket to be presented for the Heading Home organization. Heading Home provides permanent housing and support services to low-income, homeless and formerly homeless families and individuals in and around the communities of Boston, Cambridge and beyond.
The Heading Home Basket provides items needed when moving into a new home and will help a family's experience of moving into a new home more welcoming. Our classroom filled a bathroom basket. The items we collected were, bath towels, hand towels, soap, shower curains, shower liners, shower rings and, some other bathroom objects. We had a huge basket full of bath items to be presented to a family in need.
The Fifth Grade Play
This year for the fifth grade play we are doing, "The Trial Of The Big Bad Wolf"! The play is on March 7th at 7:00 pm. There will be lots of acting, singing and dancing. Our whole grade will participate. We have been working very hard with all the rehearsals and can't wait to put on a great play for the school and our families. Hope to see the teachers do their role in the play!
Book Groups
We are reading the book
The Year The Swallow Came Early. Every week we meet on Thursdays and talk about what happened in the book since we last met. Also, every week we take notes which means we write down questions, connections, predictions, inferences and visual images. Also, we do lots of lifting lines from the text. Lift a line is when you find a line in the text that means something to you or made you think. All of the girls in our book group love the book! We really enjoy Ms. Mattson's selection of books!
Snowman Project
During math with Mr. Gees we each had to make a snowman that weighed less than 50 lbs and costed less than $25. But it was hard because each snowball cost different amount of money and different weights all the accessories cost and weighed different amounts. We learned that 16 oz is equal to a pound. Mr. Gees is the best math teacher known to this day! (We also learned Mr. Gees will live to be a thousand years old!)
By: Emma & Makayla