There is a lot going on in fifth grade over the next couple of weeks. Be sure to mark your calendars!
1. 5th Grade Play: Rats! The play is this Thursday at 7pm. We will be practicing everyday this week.
2. Biography Project: Students have their 3rd biography check-in on Friday, which includes having 50 facts & 5 questions & answers completed. They will be required to work on this at home for homework, as well as in class.
Biography Presentation: Friday, June 13th at 9:00 am.
3. Field Trip: Your child will be coming home with a field trip permission slip on Monday or Tuesday of this week. I wanted to give you the date of the trip via email incase that slip doesn't make it out of the backpack until after the play! The trip is on Friday, May 30th from 8:45 to 2 and we will be taking a walking tour of Boston with a wonderful guide, Ben Edwards. He is awesome. If you have a chance to make this trip you won't be disappointed.
4. Trip to Middle School: On Friday, Happy Hollow fifth graders will be going to the middle school at 9:45 to take a tour. Our tour guides will be former fifth graders from HH. Students will have a chance to visit some classrooms and ask questions about their upcoming transition.
5. Field Day: Thursday, June 5th (All day for 5th graders).